Speech Bubble Title template for Resolve & Fusion
Here's a preset to make a stylised speech bubble to add as a title generator in the Edit Page in Resolve. I haven't labelled all the...

Crop with coloured border Template
Here's a Template for Resolve to crop a picture and add a border to the cropped edge. I'm kind of surprised it's not already in Resolve...
Resolve 17.0b8 FusionFX - 'MagnifierFX'
I recently did a video tutorial for Mixinglight.com explaining how Fusion macros can now be used in Resolve's Edit Page as FusionFX. Good...

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Auto-sizing text box... Domain Of Definition
In a previous blog post I had a go at making a Fusion Macro which consisted of a coloured box which automatically matched the size of...

Python script to create lower 3rds from a spreadsheet
If you've ever had to create a load of end cards or lower 3rds for an edit, then you'll appreciate any tool which can make that process...