Grid Transform for Fusion & Resolve

Here's a not-quite-so-neat way to make a grid of pictures in Fusion. Paste this Macro (below) after your Loader or MediaIn node, adjust the Number of Pictures and then copy/paste it again after all the other MediaIn nodes. You can save it as a .setting use it as a Macro and you could put it in the Templates folder for use directly from the Edit Page.
(A great feature of Fusion is that you can copy and paste tools or comps as text - select a tool (or tools) and copy, then paste it into a text editor. Or select some appropriate text, as below, copy, then click in your flow and paste).
Tools = ordered() {
Grid_Transform11 = MacroOperator {
CtrlWZoom = false,
Inputs = ordered() {
MainInput1 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Transform1_3",
Source = "Input",
Input1 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1_1",
Source = "NumberIn1",
Default = 4,
Input2 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1_1",
Source = "NumberIn2",
Default = 1,
Outputs = {
MainOutput1 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Transform1_3",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = GroupInfo { Pos = { 165, -49.5 } },
Tools = ordered() {
Transform1_3 = Transform {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Center = Input {
SourceOp = "Expression2_1",
Source = "PointResult",
Size = Input {
SourceOp = "Expression1_1",
Source = "NumberResult",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { -55, 10.15 } },
Expression2_1 = Expression {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
n1 = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish2_1",
Source = "Value",
n2 = Input { Value = 0.588, },
n3 = Input {
SourceOp = "Expression1_1",
Source = "NumberResult",
n4 = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1_1",
Source = "Value",
NumberExpression = Input { Value = "n1", },
PointExpressionX = Input { Value = "\n (n1-1) % ceil (sqrt(n4) ) *n3 +n3/2\n", },
PointExpressionY = Input { Value = "-( ceil(( n1/ceil(sqrt(n4)) -1 ) - (1/n3) )*n3 + n3/2)", },
NumberControls = Input { Value = 1, },
NameforNumber1 = Input { Value = "Pic #", },
NameforNumber3 = Input { Value = "Size Result", },
NameforNumber4 = Input { Value = "Number of Pics", },
Publish2_1 = PublishNumber {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Value = Input { Value = 9, },
Expression1_1 = Expression {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
n1 = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1_1",
Source = "Value",
NumberExpression = Input { Value = "1/ceil(sqrt(n1)) ", },
Publish1_1 = PublishNumber {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Value = Input { Value = 14, },
CustomTool1_1 = Custom {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
LUTIn1 = Input {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1LUTIn1_1",
Source = "Value",
LUTIn2 = Input {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1LUTIn2_1",
Source = "Value",
LUTIn3 = Input {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1LUTIn3_1",
Source = "Value",
LUTIn4 = Input {
SourceOp = "CustomTool1LUTIn4_1",
Source = "Value",
NumberControls = Input { Value = 1, },
NameforNumber1 = Input { Value = "Number of Pctures", },
NameforNumber2 = Input { Value = "Pictures #", },
NumberIn1 = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1_1",
Source = "Value",
NumberIn2 = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish2_1",
Source = "Value",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 55, 10.15 } },
UserControls = ordered() {
NumberIn1 = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = true,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
INP_MaxScale = 144,
INP_Default = 4,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = -1000000,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
LINKS_Name = "Number of Pictures",
NumberIn2 = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = true,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
INP_MaxScale = 144,
INP_Default = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = -1000000,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
LINKS_Name = "Pictures #",
CustomTool1LUTIn1_1 = LUTBezier {
KeyColorSplines = {
[0] = {
[0] = { 0, RH = { 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333 }, Flags = { Linear = true } },
[1] = { 1, LH = { 0.666666666666667, 0.666666666666667 }, Flags = { Linear = true } }
SplineColor = { Red = 204, Green = 0, Blue = 0 },
CtrlWShown = false,
CustomTool1LUTIn2_1 = LUTBezier {
KeyColorSplines = {
[0] = {
[0] = { 0, RH = { 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333 }, Flags = { Linear = true } },
[1] = { 1, LH = { 0.666666666666667, 0.666666666666667 }, Flags = { Linear = true } }
SplineColor = { Red = 0, Green = 204, Blue = 0 },
CtrlWShown = false,
CustomTool1LUTIn3_1 = LUTBezier {
KeyColorSplines = {
[0] = {
[0] = { 0, RH = { 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333 }, Flags = { Linear = true } },
[1] = { 1, LH = { 0.666666666666667, 0.666666666666667 }, Flags = { Linear = true } }
SplineColor = { Red = 0, Green = 0, Blue = 204 },
CtrlWShown = false,
CustomTool1LUTIn4_1 = LUTBezier {
KeyColorSplines = {
[0] = {
[0] = { 0, RH = { 0.333333333333333, 0.333333333333333 }, Flags = { Linear = true } },
[1] = { 1, LH = { 0.666666666666667, 0.666666666666667 }, Flags = { Linear = true } }
SplineColor = { Red = 204, Green = 204, Blue = 204 },
CtrlWShown = false,
ActiveTool = "Grid_Transform11"