Blackmagic Fusion macro: text on a box

I was trying to make a tool which would make a rectangle behind a text element and automatically scale the rectangle as you add more characters in the text.
I ended up making two, in slightly different ways - one for a single line with centre justified text (you could just use multiple copies of this for extra lines) and another for text which is top let justified. Both of these can be can dragged and reposition. A limitation with them both is that the width of the rectangle is set by the text in the first line.
Here are both of the tools - copy and paste them into your Fusion flow. Scroll way down for the Top Left version
Text Box Single line Centred
Tools = ordered() {
TextBoxSinglelineCentred11 = MacroOperator {
Inputs = ordered() {
Input1 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Blur2",
Source = "XBlurSize",
Name = "X Box Tweak",
Page = "Controls",
Default = 12.4,
Input2 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Type",
Input3 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopLeftRed",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 3,
Default = 0.338,
Input4 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopLeftGreen",
ControlGroup = 3,
Default = 0.363,
Input5 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopLeftBlue",
ControlGroup = 3,
Default = 0.644,
Input6 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopLeftAlpha",
ControlGroup = 3,
Default = 1,
Input7 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopRightRed",
Name = "Top Right",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 0,
Input8 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopRightGreen",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 0,
Input9 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopRightBlue",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 0,
Input10 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "TopRightAlpha",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 1,
Input11 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomLeftRed",
Name = "Bottom Left",
ControlGroup = 5,
Default = 0,
Input12 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomLeftGreen",
ControlGroup = 5,
Default = 0,
Input13 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomLeftBlue",
ControlGroup = 5,
Default = 0,
Input14 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomLeftAlpha",
ControlGroup = 5,
Default = 1,
Input15 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomRightRed",
Name = "Bottom Right",
ControlGroup = 6,
Default = 0,
Input16 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomRightGreen",
ControlGroup = 6,
Default = 0,
Input17 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomRightBlue",
ControlGroup = 6,
Default = 0,
Input18 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "BottomRightAlpha",
ControlGroup = 6,
Default = 1,
Input19 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "GradientType",
Input20 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Start",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0.5,
Input21 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "End",
DefaultX = 1,
DefaultY = 0.5,
Input22 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Gradient",
Input23 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "GradientInterpolationMethod",
Input24 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Offset",
Default = 0,
Input25 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Repeat",
Input26 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "SubPixel",
Input27 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Rectangle1",
Source = "CornerRadius",
Default = 0.085,
Input28 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Rectangle1",
Source = "Height",
Page = "Controls",
Default = 0.145,
Input29 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Size",
Default = 0.0897,
Input30 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Font",
ControlGroup = 18,
Input31 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Style",
ControlGroup = 18,
Input32 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Underline",
ControlGroup = 18,
Input33 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Strikeout",
ControlGroup = 18,
Input34 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "StyledText",
Input35 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Start",
ControlGroup = 20,
Default = 0,
Input36 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "End",
ControlGroup = 20,
Default = 1,
Input37 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Subset",
Default = 0,
Input38 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Center",
Input39 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SelectElement",
Input40 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Select",
Input41 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name1",
DefaultText = "White solid fill",
Input42 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled1",
Default = 1,
Input43 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Opacity1",
Default = 1,
Input44 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "PriorityBack1",
Default = 8,
Input45 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Overlap1",
Default = 2,
Input46 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ElementShape1",
Default = 0,
Input47 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Thickness1",
Default = 0.02,
Input48 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "AdaptThicknessToPerspective1",
Default = 0,
Input49 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "OutsideOnly1",
Default = 0,
Input50 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "JoinStyle1",
Default = 1,
Input51 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "LineStyle1",
Default = 0,
Input52 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Level1",
Default = 3,
Input53 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ExtendHorizontal1",
Default = 0,
Input54 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ExtendVertical1",
Default = 0,
Input55 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Round1",
Default = 0,
Input56 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "UseOneMaterial",
Default = 1,
Input57 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Type1",
Default = 0,
Input58 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Red1",
Name = "Text Color",
ControlGroup = 42,
Default = 1,
Input59 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Green1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 42,
Default = 1,
Input60 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Blue1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 42,
Default = 1,
Input61 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Alpha1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 42,
Default = 1,
Input62 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ImageSource1",
Default = 0,
Input63 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ColorImage1",
Input64 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ColorFile1",
DefaultText = "",
Input65 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ColorBrush1",
Default = 0,
Input66 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingGradient1",
Input67 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingMapping1",
Default = 1,
Input68 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingMappingAngle1",
Name = "Mapping angle",
Default = 0,
Input69 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingMappingSize1",
Name = "Mapping size",
Default = 1,
Input70 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingMappingAspect1",
Name = "Mapping aspect",
Default = 1,
Input71 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShadingMappingLevel1",
Name = "Mapping level",
Default = 4,
Input72 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SoftnessX1",
Default = 0,
Input73 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SoftnessY1",
Default = 0,
Input74 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SoftnessOnFillColorToo1",
Default = 0,
Input75 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SoftnessGlow1",
Default = 0,
Input76 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SoftnessBlend1",
Default = 1,
Input77 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Offset1",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0,
Input78 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "OffsetZ1",
Default = 0,
Input79 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Pivot1",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0,
Input80 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "PivotZ1",
Default = 0,
Input81 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "AngleX1",
Default = 0,
Input82 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "AngleY1",
Default = 0,
Input83 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "AngleZ1",
Default = 0,
Input84 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShearX1",
Default = 0,
Input85 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "ShearY1",
Default = 0,
Input86 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SizeX1",
Default = 1,
Input87 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "SizeY1",
Default = 1,
Input88 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name2",
DefaultText = "Red outline",
Input89 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled2",
Default = 0,
Input90 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name3",
DefaultText = "Black shadow",
Input91 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled3",
Default = 0,
Input92 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name4",
DefaultText = "Blue border",
Input93 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled4",
Default = 0,
Input94 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name5",
DefaultText = "Element 5",
Input95 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled5",
Default = 0,
Input96 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name6",
DefaultText = "Element 6",
Input97 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled6",
Default = 0,
Input98 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name7",
DefaultText = "Element 7",
Input99 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled7",
Default = 0,
Input100 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Name8",
DefaultText = "Element 8",
Input101 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Enabled8",
Default = 0,
Outputs = {
MainOutput1 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Merge1",
Source = "Output",
Output1 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Probe1",
Source = "Red",
Output2 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Probe1",
Source = "Green",
Output3 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Probe1",
Source = "Blue",
Output4 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "Probe1",
Source = "Alpha",
ViewInfo = GroupInfo {
Name = "TextBoxSinglelineCentred1",
Pos = { 0, 0 }
Tools = ordered() {
Merge1 = Merge {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Background = Input {
SourceOp = "Background1",
Source = "Output",
Foreground = Input {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Output",
PerformDepthMerge = Input { Value = 0, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 330, 115.5 } },
Blur2 = Blur {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
LockXY = Input { Value = 0, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Text1",
Source = "Output",
YBlurSize = Input { Value = 15, },
XBlurSize = Input { Value = 12.4, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 330, 49.5 } },
UserControls = ordered() {
YBlurSize = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = false,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
IC_Steps = 101,
INP_MaxScale = 100,
INP_Default = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = 0,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
LINKS_Name = "Y Box Tweak"
XBlurSize = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = false,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
IC_Steps = 101,
INP_MaxScale = 100,
INP_Default = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = 0,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
LINKS_Name = "X Box Tweak"
LumaKeyer1 = LumaKeyer {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Channel = Input { Value = 3, },
High = Input { Value = 0.021, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Blur2",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 495, 49.5 } },
Background1 = Background {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2" }, },
TopLeftRed = Input { Value = 0.338, },
TopLeftGreen = Input { Value = 0.363, },
TopLeftBlue = Input { Value = 0.644, },
EffectMask = Input {
SourceOp = "Rectangle1",
Source = "Mask",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 220, 115.5 } },
Rectangle1 = RectangleMask {
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
MaskWidth = Input { Value = 1920, },
PixelAspect = Input { Value = { 1, 1 }, },
ClippingMode = Input { Value = FuID { "None" }, },
Center = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1",
Source = "Value",
Width = Input {
SourceOp = "Probe1",
Source = "Result",
CornerRadius = Input { Value = 0.085, },
MaskHeight = Input { Value = 240, },
Height = Input { Value = 0.145, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 220, 82.5 } },
UserControls = ordered() {
MaskHeight = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 32767,
INP_Integer = true,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
IC_Steps = 1023,
INP_MaxScale = 1024,
INP_Default = 1080,
INP_MinScale = 2,
INP_MinAllowed = 2,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
LINKS_Name = "Box Height Tweak"
Height = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = false,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
INP_MaxScale = 1,
INP_Default = 0.5,
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
INPID_PreviewControl = "RectangleControl",
INP_MinAllowed = -1000000,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
PC_ControlGroup = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
PC_ControlID = 1,
LINKS_Name = "Y Box Tweak"
Publish1 = PublishPoint {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Value = Input { Value = { 0.5, 0.547445721583653 }, },
Probe1 = Probe {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
ImageToProbe = Input {
SourceOp = "LumaKeyer1",
Source = "Output",
Channel = Input { Value = 3, },
Position = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1",
Source = "Value",
ProbeRectangle = Input { Value = 1, },
Width = Input { Value = 1, },
Height = Input { Value = 0.009, },
Text1 = TextPlus {
CtrlWZoom = false,
CtrlWShown = false,
Inputs = {
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2" }, },
LayoutType = Input { Value = 1, },
Center = Input {
SourceOp = "Publish1",
Source = "Value",
Size = Input { Value = 0.0897, },
Font = Input { Value = "Open Sans", },
StyledText = Input { Value = "Centred text in a box", },
Style = Input { Value = "Bold", },
ManualFontKerningPlacement = Input {
Value = StyledText {
Array = {
Value = ""
Alignment = Input { Value = 1, },
Transform1 = Input { Value = 1, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 110, 16.5 } },
ActiveTool = "TextBoxSinglelineCentred11"
Text on Box Top Left
Tools = ordered() {
TextonBoxTopLeft = MacroOperator {
Inputs = ordered() {
Input1 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Size",
Default = 0.08,
Input2 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Font",
ControlGroup = 2,
Input3 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Style",
ControlGroup = 2,
Input4 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Underline",
ControlGroup = 2,
Input5 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Strikeout",
ControlGroup = 2,
Input6 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "StyledText",
Input7 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Start",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 0,
Input8 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "End",
ControlGroup = 4,
Default = 1,
Input9 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SelectElement",
Input10 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Select",
Input11 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Name1",
DefaultText = "White solid fill",
Input12 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Enabled1",
Default = 1,
Input13 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Opacity1",
Default = 1,
Input14 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "PriorityBack1",
Default = 8,
Input15 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Overlap1",
Default = 2,
Input16 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ElementShape1",
Default = 0,
Input17 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Thickness1",
Default = 0.02,
Input18 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "AdaptThicknessToPerspective1",
Default = 0,
Input19 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "OutsideOnly1",
Default = 0,
Input20 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "JoinStyle1",
Default = 1,
Input21 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "LineStyle1",
Default = 0,
Input22 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Level1",
Default = 3,
Input23 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ExtendHorizontal1",
Default = 0,
Input24 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ExtendVertical1",
Default = 0,
Input25 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Round1",
Default = 0,
Input26 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "UseOneMaterial",
Default = 1,
Input27 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Type1",
Default = 0,
Input28 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Red1",
Name = "Text Color",
ControlGroup = 24,
Default = 1,
Input29 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Green1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 24,
Default = 1,
Input30 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Blue1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 24,
Default = 1,
Input31 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Alpha1",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 24,
Default = 1,
Input32 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ImageSource1",
Default = 0,
Input33 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ColorImage1",
Input34 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ColorFile1",
DefaultText = "",
Input35 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ColorBrush1",
Default = 0,
Input36 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingGradient1",
Input37 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingMapping1",
Default = 1,
Input38 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingMappingAngle1",
Name = "Mapping angle",
Default = 0,
Input39 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingMappingSize1",
Name = "Mapping size",
Default = 1,
Input40 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingMappingAspect1",
Name = "Mapping aspect",
Default = 1,
Input41 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "ShadingMappingLevel1",
Name = "Mapping level",
Default = 4,
Input42 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SoftnessX1",
Default = 0,
Input43 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SoftnessY1",
Default = 0,
Input44 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SoftnessOnFillColorToo1",
Default = 0,
Input45 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SoftnessGlow1",
Default = 0,
Input46 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "SoftnessBlend1",
Default = 1,
Input47 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Offset1",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0,
Input48 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "OffsetZ1",
Default = 0,
Input49 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Pivot1",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0,
Input50 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "xf_Handle",
Source = "Center",
Input51 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Type",
Input52 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopLeftRed",
Name = "Color",
ControlGroup = 45,
Default = 0,
Input53 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopLeftGreen",
ControlGroup = 45,
Default = 0,
Input54 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopLeftBlue",
ControlGroup = 45,
Default = 0,
Input55 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopLeftAlpha",
ControlGroup = 45,
Default = 0.5,
Input56 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopRightRed",
Name = "Top Right",
ControlGroup = 46,
Default = 0,
Input57 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopRightGreen",
ControlGroup = 46,
Default = 0,
Input58 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopRightBlue",
ControlGroup = 46,
Default = 0,
Input59 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "TopRightAlpha",
ControlGroup = 46,
Default = 1,
Input60 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomLeftRed",
Name = "Bottom Left",
ControlGroup = 47,
Default = 0,
Input61 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomLeftGreen",
ControlGroup = 47,
Default = 0,
Input62 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomLeftBlue",
ControlGroup = 47,
Default = 0,
Input63 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomLeftAlpha",
ControlGroup = 47,
Default = 1,
Input64 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomRightRed",
Name = "Bottom Right",
ControlGroup = 48,
Default = 0,
Input65 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomRightGreen",
ControlGroup = 48,
Default = 0,
Input66 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomRightBlue",
ControlGroup = 48,
Default = 0,
Input67 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "BottomRightAlpha",
ControlGroup = 48,
Default = 1,
Input68 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "GradientType",
Input69 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Start",
DefaultX = 0,
DefaultY = 0.5,
Input70 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "End",
DefaultX = 1,
DefaultY = 0.5,
Input71 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Gradient",
Input72 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "GradientInterpolationMethod",
Input73 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Offset",
Default = 0,
Input74 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Repeat",
Input75 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "SubPixel",
Input76 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Rectangle1",
Source = "CornerRadius",
Default = 0,
Input77 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Blur1_1",
Source = "XBlurSize",
Name = "Tweak X",
Page = "Controls",
Default = 12,
Input78 = InstanceInput {
SourceOp = "Blur1_1",
Source = "YBlurSize",
Page = "Controls",
Default = 12,
Outputs = {
MainOutput1 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "xf_Handle",
Source = "Output",
Output1 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeX",
Source = "Red",
Output2 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeX",
Source = "Green",
Output3 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeX",
Source = "Blue",
Output4 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeX",
Source = "Alpha",
Output5 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeY",
Source = "Red",
Output6 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeY",
Source = "Green",
Output7 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeY",
Source = "Blue",
Output8 = InstanceOutput {
SourceOp = "ProbeY",
Source = "Alpha",
ViewInfo = GroupInfo {
Name = "Text on Box Top Left",
Pos = { 0, 0 }
Tools = ordered() {
TextOnABox = TextPlus {
CtrlWZoom = false,
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2" }, },
LayoutType = Input { Value = 1, },
LayoutSize = Input { Value = 1.009, },
LayoutWidth = Input { Value = 0.9673259498263, },
LayoutHeight = Input { Value = 0.949, },
Font = Input { Value = "Open Sans", },
StyledText = Input { Value = "Width is set by first line\nand height by \nhowever many lines\n\n\n\n", },
Style = Input { Value = "Bold", },
ManualFontKerningPlacement = Input {
Value = StyledText {
Array = {
Value = ""
Alignment = Input { Value = 1, },
HorizontalJustification = Input { Value = 0, },
VerticalJustification = Input { Value = 0, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 440, 115.5 } },
xf_Handle = Transform {
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
Center = Input { Value = { 0, 1 }, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Xf_offset",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 935, 181.5 } },
Background2 = Background {
Inputs = {
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2" }, },
TopLeftAlpha = Input { Value = 0.5, },
EffectMask = Input {
SourceOp = "Transform1",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 605, 181.5 } },
Rectangle1 = RectangleMask {
Inputs = {
MaskWidth = Input { Value = 1920, },
MaskHeight = Input { Value = 1080, },
PixelAspect = Input { Value = { 1, 1 }, },
ClippingMode = Input { Value = FuID { "None" }, },
Width = Input { Value = 1, },
Height = Input { Value = 1, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 385, 148.5 } },
BackgroundAlpha = Background {
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
Width = Input { Value = 1920, },
Height = Input { Value = 1080, },
["Gamut.SLogVersion"] = Input { Value = FuID { "SLog2" }, },
TopLeftRed = Input { Value = 0.375, },
TopLeftGreen = Input { Value = 0.313, },
TopLeftBlue = Input { Value = 0.35, },
EffectMask = Input {
SourceOp = "Rectangle1",
Source = "Mask",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 385, 181.5 } },
Transform1 = Transform {
Inputs = {
Pivot = Input { Value = { 0, 1 }, },
UseSizeAndAspect = Input { Value = 0, },
XSize = Input {
SourceOp = "Expression1",
Source = "NumberResult",
YSize = Input {
SourceOp = "Expression2",
Source = "NumberResult",
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "BackgroundAlpha",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 495, 181.5 } },
Expression1 = Expression {
CtrlWZoom = false,
Inputs = {
n1 = Input {
SourceOp = "ProbeX",
Source = "Result",
NumberExpression = Input { Value = "n1\n", },
NumberControls = Input { Value = 1, },
NameforNumber1 = Input { Value = "Number SIZE X", },
ProbeX = Probe {
CtrlWZoom = false,
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
ImageToProbe = Input {
SourceOp = "LumaKeyer1_1",
Source = "Output",
Channel = Input { Value = 3, },
Position = Input { Value = { 0.03, 0.96 }, },
ProbeRectangle = Input { Value = 1, },
Width = Input { Value = 0.94, },
Height = Input { Value = 0.013, },
Expression2 = Expression {
CtrlWZoom = false,
Inputs = {
n1 = Input {
SourceOp = "ProbeY",
Source = "Result",
NumberExpression = Input { Value = "n1*1.15", },
NumberControls = Input { Value = 1, },
NameforNumber1 = Input { Value = "Number SIZE Y", },
ProbeY = Probe {
CtrlWZoom = false,
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
ImageToProbe = Input {
SourceOp = "LumaKeyer1_1",
Source = "Output",
Channel = Input { Value = 3, },
Position = Input { Value = { 0.02, 0.96 }, },
ProbeRectangle = Input { Value = 1, },
Width = Input { Value = 0.004, },
Height = Input { Value = 0.953, },
Merge2 = Merge {
Inputs = {
Background = Input {
SourceOp = "Background2",
Source = "Output",
Foreground = Input {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Output",
PerformDepthMerge = Input { Value = 0, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 715, 181.5 } },
Xf_offset = Transform {
NameSet = true,
Inputs = {
Center = Input { Value = { 1, 0 }, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Merge2",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 825, 181.5 } },
LumaKeyer1_1 = LumaKeyer {
Inputs = {
Channel = Input { Value = 3, },
High = Input { Value = 0.021, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "Blur1_1",
Source = "Output",
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 715, 115.5 } },
Blur1_1 = Blur {
Inputs = {
LockXY = Input { Value = 0, },
Input = Input {
SourceOp = "TextOnABox",
Source = "Output",
XBlurSize = Input { Value = 12, },
YBlurSize = Input { Value = 12, },
ViewInfo = OperatorInfo { Pos = { 605, 115.5 } },
UserControls = ordered() {
XBlurSize = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = false,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
IC_Steps = 101,
INP_MaxScale = 100,
INP_Default = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = 0,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
LINKS_Name = "Tweak X"
YBlurSize = {
INP_MaxAllowed = 1000000,
INP_Integer = false,
INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
IC_Steps = 101,
INP_MaxScale = 100,
INP_Default = 1,
INP_MinScale = 0,
INP_MinAllowed = 0,
LINKID_DataType = "Number",
ICS_ControlPage = "Controls",
LINKS_Name = "Tweak Y"
ActiveTool = "TextonBoxTopLeft"